organisateur_Christele_AssegondNadjma AHAMADA
After a Master degree in Sociology and Economy, Nadjma Ahamada joined the CRIGEN ( the Research and Innovation Division of GDF SUEZ) as a sociologist. Thus her main function is to support the operational branches of GDF SUEZ to meet their customers’ expectations (domestic, local communities and industries). These diverse requests are related to the high-performance building, energy practices, fuel povertu social impact assessment and she also deals with Smart buildings and smart cities.

organisateur_Christele_AssegondChristèle ASSEGOND
Christèle Assegond has a PhD in Sociology, and is a researcher at CETU ETIcS which she co-directs with Jean-Philippe Fouquet. She is also a researcher associated with the laboratory CITERES (UMR-CNRS 7324). She studies the themes of sustainable development as a stimulus for change and analyzes its reception by professional groups. Dr. Assegond also examines the sociological dimensions of innovations, in particular in the area of building and energy. She studies more particularly questions of declarations of energy consumption in residential buildings and in the services sector.

organisateur_Christele_AssegondFrançoise BARTIAUX
Françoise Bartiaux has a PHD in démography and a degree in sociology. She is professor at the Demography Institute. She conducts researches  at the FNRS of the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. She examines behaviours within the environment, the rationnal use of energy. She also analyzes  social factors related to ernegy consumption  in residential buildings.

organisateur_C_BeslayChristophe BESLAY
Christophe Beslay is sociologist. He created  the research office  BESCB. He works on questions of energy using a socio-technical approach centered on an analysis of social practices, techniques and professions, notably in the building sector. He facilitates the Research Committee 16 “Professional Sociologies” of the International Association of French Language Sociolgists. He organized in 2012, with Marie-Christine Zélem, the 1st International Days of the Sociology of Energy.

organisateur_C_BeslayJérôme BOISSONNADE
Jérôme Boissonade is Lecturer at the Université du Littoral (ULCO) and member of the research team AUS (UMR 7218 LAVUE). He graduated from the University of Paris X – Nanterre (Ph.D. in sociology) and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris – La Villette (Architect DPLG). His teachings are essentially urban sociology and her research focuses on critical approaches to sustainable development (in charge of AC/DD network), as well as on the relationship between public policies and property mobilizations. He is also a member of the editorial board of the Annals of Urban Research, President of the Scientific Committee LAVUE UMR 7218 and co-head of its axis environment.

organisateur_Gaetan_BriespierreGaëtan BRISEPIERRE
Gaëtan Brisepierre is an independent sociologist. In 2011, he defended his PhD dissertation at the University of Paris Descartes-Sorbonne on the economy of energy in collective habitats, directed by the anthropologist Dominique Desjeux and in partnership with GDF Suez. In 2012, he created the research office GBS with which he performs studies and does research, conferences, and gives expert advice to private and public organizations. As a specialist on questions of energy, he has performed investigations on a number of subjects such as: household practices for energy conservation, the renovation of jointly-owned properties, the use of low-energy consumption buildings, the impact of smart meters, the maintenance of collective heating, and the management of energy claims. He has published numerous articles and reports, as well as a synthesis available on his blog.

organisateur_Bernard_BuronGérald BRONNER
Gérald Bronner is Professor of Sociology at the Université Paris-Diderot, France. Deputy Director of LIED (Laboratoire interdisciplinaire des énergies de demain). He works on collective beliefs and social cognition. His publications include L’empire des croyances (Presses Universitaires de France, 2004) and La pensée extrême (Denoël, 2009), winner of the 2010 Amalfi Prize for Sociology and Social Science.

organisateur_Bernard_BuronBernard BURON
Bernard Buron is an assistant professor in sociology at the University François Rabelais of Tours and a researcher in the l’UMR CNRS 7324 CITERES. His research interests include technical changes and their effects on cultures and professional groups. Currently involved in two research programs, one of which, listed by the competitive Pole Sciences and Systems of Electrical Energy, studies the electric bicycle as an alternative to the automobile in professional trips between sites. He is, as well, director of the Department of Arts and Humanities at the University François Rabelais of Tours.

Christophe_DemaziereChristophe DEMAZIÈRE
Christophe Demazière is an economist by training and a professor of public planning-urbanism at the University François-Rabelais of Tours. His latest research is a comparative analysis of the introduction of sustainable develoment into spatial planning in England and in France and in small and medium-sized European cities. He works regularly with the local territorial actors (collectivities, urban agents, decentralized services, public and private operators).

organisateur_Dominique_DesjeuxDominique DESJEUX
After having worked with Michel Crozier on the Sociology of Organizations, Dominique Desjeux led for 8 years research on agricultural innovation in Africa and in Madagascar, then in France for 7 years at the ESA of Angers. He is, since 1988, professor of social anthropology at the Sorbonne, University of Paris Descartes. He conducts research and international studies, under contract, in China, the USA, in Brazil, in Europe and in Africa. He is the author of a number of works on consumption, innovation and decision-making in organizations and in domestic space. He also works as an international consultant. He has directed the first Professional doctoral diploma in Social Sciences created in France, at the Sorbonne, since 2007. His website contains a large amount of information about his investigations. He has also been an editor in Social Sciences for 30 years at Harmattan and then at the PUF.

organisateur_JP_FouquetJean-Philippe FOUQUET
Jean-Philippe Fouquet has a PhD in Sociology and is a research engineer, co-director of the CETU ETIcS since its creation in 2007. He is a researcher associated with the laboratory CITERES (UMR-CNRS 7324) at the University François Rabelais of Tours. His first training was as a sociologist of work, he is very interested in the theme of changes, of practices and ways of life, notably in the context of re-compositions and/or legal injunctions linked to environmental and energy issues. Doing his research inside private, public, and professional spheres, he is interested in the social impacts of implementing transformations, the identification of factors favorable and unfavorable for acceptability, or, for the latter, the conditions needed to remove them.

organisateur_GadeaCharles GADÉA
Charles Gadéa is a professor of Sociology at the University Paris Ouest (Nanterre). He is co-responsible for the research committee 32 (Knowledge, occupations, professional identities) of the International Association of French-language Sociologists (AISLF) and vice-president of the research committee 52 (Sociology of professional groups) of the International Sociology Association. He is, as well, a member of the central committee of the international research network MAGE (Labor markets and gender). His work examines the Sociology of professional groups, gender, health at work and social mobility.

organisateur_GadeaSimon GUY
Simon Guy was appointed as Professor of Architecture and Director of the Manchester Architecture Research Centre (MARC) in November 2005, joining from the University of Newcastle where he held the positions of Chair of Urban Development and Dean of Research in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. In July 2009 he was appointed Head of the School of Environment and Development in the Faculty of Humanities.Simon has also been active across the University of Manchester. He is closely involved with the Sustainable Consumptions Institute, sits on the University’s sustainability working group and helps steer the Faculty of Humanities urban initiative.He has close working relationships with academic researchers in Europe, North America and Asia, holding visiting fellowships in leading research institutes in Tokyo, Paris, Graz, Berlin, Texas, Leuven, California and Singapore. His research has been funded by research councils, european institutions and industry spread across the social sciences (ESRC) and engineering (ESPRC) and across environmental (Global Environmental Change) and economic (Cities and Economic Competitiveness) themes.

mathilde_gralepoisMathilde GRALEPOIS
Dr. Mathilde Gralepois is assistant professor in planning and local governance at the Urban Planning Department of the University of Tours. She carries out studies on risk prevention public policies, civil security and local authorities transformation in the laboratory center CITERES (Cités, Territoires, Environnement et Sociétés). She is also responsible for the Sustenable Development policy which should aim to create a healthy and ecological living and learning environment for all students and staff.

organisateur_Francoise_SitnikoffAlain GRAS
Alain Gras is a sociologist and anthropologist, professor emeritus at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. He was director of the Centre for Studies of technical knowledge and practices (CETCOPRA) until 2011, and in charge for the section “technology, environment, societies” of the sociological option of the Master of Philosophy and Society. He contributes to several journals (L’Écologiste, La Décroissance, Entropia) as a writer and columnist in the field of socio-anthropology of technology. He published “Fragilité de la puissance” and “Le choix du feu”, about the transition to the thermo-industrial modernity, puclished by Fayard.”

organisateur_Francoise_SitnikoffKatrin GROSSMANN
Katrin Grossmann (Dr.) is an urban sociologist at the Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research in Leipzig à Leipzig since 2007. She received her PhD at the Philipps-University of Marburg with a dissertation on the normative frameworks within governance discourse on urban shrinkage in Germany. After that, she worked on a variety of topics within the thematic field of sustainable urban development.Today, her work focusses on energy vulnerability in the context of socio-spatial segregation, integrated solutions for renewable energy production, but also on heat stress in urban areas, neighbourhood change, residential segregation and shrinking cities. She is/was involved in international research projects, e.g., the projects “DiverCities” (EU-FP7), “Shrink Smart – The Governance of Urban Shrinkage in a European Context” (EU FP7) and “ConDense – Socio-Spatial Consequences of Demographic Change for East Central European Cities”(Volkswagen Foundation).

organisateur_Francoise_SitnikoffPauline LAVAGNE D’ORTIGUE
Pauline Lavagne d’Ortigue is an executive assistant at the research department of Saint-Gobain. She is interested in innovation culture of this company which has been creating, producing and distributing building materials since 1665. Her function is to support the operational branches of this group. These diverse requests are related to help the different branches to mobilize design ressources and/or humanities and social science ressources. Pauline Lavagne d’ortigue studied at the Ecole Normale supérieure, at the universities ParisIII and Nanterre, at the Institut Courtauld, at the INALCO and at the Oriental Institute. She defended his PhD at the University LilleIII on the history of the towns of the Anglo Iranian Oil Company and the British model of an oil company.

organisateur_Francoise_SitnikoffFrançois MÉNARD
Sociologist by training, François Ménard worked over 10 years in a design office before joining the “Délégation interministérielle à la ville” (governmental delegation on the city) where he participated in the creation of the “Observatoire national des ZUS” (national observatory of sensitive urban zones). Today he is the head of research programs at the PUCA (Architecture Construction and Urban Planning) in the fields of lodging, energy and the sustainable city.

organisateur_Francoise_SitnikoffNadine MICHAU
Nadine Michau is an assistant professor in sociology at the University François Rabelais of Tours and a researcher in the UMR CNRS 7324 CITERES. She carries out researches about the role of the image in social sciences. Specialized in achieving sociological films, she uses the image as a tool for central investigations.

PickvanceChris PICKVANCE
Chris Pickvance is Emeritus Professor of Urban Studies at the University of Kent at Canterbury. He has researched sustainable housing in the UK and France, local environmental policy in Hungary, housing and environmental conditions, individual and collective action in Russia, Hungary and Estonia, young people’s housing behaviour, homelessness provision in Kent among other subjects. A co-founder of the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, he is editor of the Ashgate Cities and Society book series and co-editor of the Wiley/Blackwell Urban and Social Change book series.

organisateur_Francoise_SitnikoffFrançoise SITNIKOFF
Françoise Sitnikoff is a Maître de conférences in the department of Sociology at the University François Rabelais of Tours and a researcher in the l’UMR CNRS 7324 CITERES. She works on transformations of the world of work. She is currently working on two research programs, concerning professional sectors, agriculture and building, confronted with practical changes linked to environmental and energy questions.

organisateur_Helene_SubremonHélène SUBRÉMON
Hélène Subrémon is a sociologist at Saint Gobain Recherche. She received her Phd in Sociology in 2009. Previously, she was a research fellow in l’École des Ponts ParisTech where she developed her own research projects on usages in various contexts such as innovative buildings, fuel poverty in France and abroad.

organisateur_M_C_ZelemGordon WALKER
Professor Gordon Walker is Co-Director of the DEMAND Centre (Dynamics of Energy. Mobility and Demand) at Lancaster University with expertise on the social and spatial dimensions of sustainable energy technologies, sustainability transitions, sustainable social practices and issues of energy and environmental justice.

organisateur_M_C_ZelemMarie-Christine ZÉLEM
Marie-Christine Zélem is a professor of Sociology at the University of Toulouse II, also qualified in anthropology. She is a member of the laboratory CERTOP (UMR 5044 du CNRS) on which she co-directs the pole PEPS (Environmental Polices and Social Practice). Her research interests are socio-technical devices and the conditions of social change. She questions the ways of reception of public environmental policies and the resistance to technological and social innovations. She is, notably, an expert on questions on economical building (ecological materials, low consumption, BEPOS (Energy plus buildings), professional training, multiple careers, the role of elected officials, smart-grids, home appliances, air conditioning, ECS (hot water),…), of territories with low to negative consumption (government, mobility,…) of energy precarity (Quebec, Guyana, France), of energy autonomy of isolated territories (Reunion Island, Guyana) and equipment and devices contributing to saving energy (LBC, EnR, energy stickers, GPE, DPE, nudges, smart-meters). She was part of a group of experts for the National Debate on Energy Transition (2013). She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the foundation Nicolas Hulot and of Global Chance. She is a also member of the PRES Toulouse, and of the Inter-university and Interdisciplinary Chair “Energies and Societies”.