Tristan Maarawi is the co-directors of n-clique sociological studies network. He had majored in sociology and his approach relies on the application of survey methods in different contexts and several field of research.
Communication : Socio-energy approach within the technical diagnosis and diagnosis of use of buildings.

Thomas Macias is an associate professor of sociology at the University of Vermont whose research concerns social capital influences on transportation and consumer behavior. His most recent publications include:
Publications :
Macias, T. and Williams, K. 2014. “Know Your Neighbors, Save the Planet: Notable Social Capital Correlates with Pro-environmental Outcomes.” Environment and Behavior. Published online.
Macias, T. and Nelson, E. 2011. “A Social Capital Basis for Environmental Concern: Evidence from Northern New England.” Rural Sociology, v. 76, p. 562-81.
Communication : A Social Capital Basis for Reducing Household Energy Consumption.

Kévin MAHÉ
Kévin Mahé is an engineer, an architect and a contracted researcher. The author belong to CERMA laboratory, UMR CNRS-MCC-ECN 1563 Architectural and Urban Ambiances/Atmospheres of the ENSA Nantes.
Communication 1 : Survey methods in shopping areas: the flow of knowledge as a construct of the energy efficiency.
Communication 2 : La fabrique de l’expertise énergétique chez les auto-réhabilitateurs en milieu rural.

Marie Mangold is a PhD candidate in sociology in the CNRS/University of Strasbourg Laboratory SAGE (Societies, Actors and Governement in Europe, UMR 7363), under the supervision of Philippe Hamman. She is also lecturer at the IUAR (Regional Urban Planning Institute), Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Strasbourg.
Publication : Hamman Philippe, Frank Cécile, Mangold Marie, 2014, « Les trajectoires de conversion écologique face aux enjeux économiques et sociaux du “logement durable” en France », VertigO – la revue électronique en sciences de l’environnement [En ligne], 14 (2), septembre 2014.
Communication : Living in an energy-efficient house : towards the construction of “inhabitant expertise”? Choices and appropriations of technological innovations with respect to lifestyles.

Laurane MARCEL
Graduated from the Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat in 2009, Lauranne Marcel first was head of sustainable buildings bureau in the Direction départementale des territoires de la Marne. She now works in Cerema Normandie-Centre as a study engineer in the field of energy efficiency, comfort and functional quality in buildings.
Communication : Occupants as main actors of energy efficiency durability in buildings.

Bruno Maresca, is a sociologist, Director of Research at CREDOC. Specialist in the analysis of lifestyles and evaluation of public policies, he conducted a series of studies on energy consumption practices, energy transition and energy vulnerability. His recent publications include La consommation d’énergie dans l’habitat : entre recherche de confort et impératif écologique, CREDOC, Cahier de recherche n°264, décembre 2009, « La précarité énergétique pose la question du coût du logement en France », Consommation et modes de vie, N° 258, Mars 2013, and « Sur le chemin de la sobriété énergétique. Engager les Français au-delà des écogestes », Consommation et modes de vie, N° 265, janvier 2014.
Communication : Representing The Situations of Fuel Poverty.

Following a Masters in Management, Joëlle Mastelic specialized in product and services development, in a multinational company and then in academia, as a professor and researcher at the University of Applied Sciences, Western Switzerland (UASWS). Her research focus is on user integration in the development of products and services, towards more sustainable forms of development.
Communication : Energy Living Lab: an open innovation ecosystem for the energy transition.

Giulio Mattioli is Research Fellow at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds and Main Researcher on the EPSRC-funded project “Energy-related economic stress in the UK, at the interface between transport, housing and fuel poverty”, attached to the DEMAND (Dynamics of Energy, Mobility and Demand) Research Centre ( . A sociologist by trade, he holds a PhD in Urban Studies (University of Milan-Bicocca). His research work has focused to date on the relationships between sustainable transport, social exclusion and car dependence.
Publications :
MATTIOLI (2014), “Where sustainable transport and social exclusion meet: households without cars and car dependence in Great Britain”, Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 16(3), p.379-400.
MATTIOLI (2013) ‘Different worlds of non-motoring: households without cars in Germany’, In : Scheiner J; Blotevogel H-H; Frank S; Holz-Rau C; Schuster N (dir.) Mobilitäten und Immobilitäten: Menschen, Ideen, Dinge, Kulturen, Kapital, Klartext, p.207-216.
Communication : “Energy-related economic stress at the interface between transport, housing and fuel poverty: a multinational study.

Élodie MERLE
Formed in the political sciences and in the sociology (ScPo, EHESS), Elodie Merle is at present a researcher to EDF R&D, in a department turned to the analysis of markets. Her research focuses on the territorial dimension of the energy, through the successive study of various objects being situated between the market, the social movements and the policies.
Publication : « Du partenariat à l’entrepreneur-frontière. Etude de cas d’un dispositif d’accompagnement social territorialisé à la maîtrise des consommations d’énergie » in Cihuelo J., Grandclément C. et Jobert A., 2015, Energie et transformations sociales. Enquêtes sur les interfaces énergétiques, éditions EDF R&D Lavoisier, Paris.
Communication : The agricultural methanization. Analysis of an emergent industry and territorial dynamics.

Teva Meyer is a PhD candidate at the Centre de Recherches et d’Analyses Géopolitiques and a teaching fellow in the graduate program of the French Institute of Geopolitics (University Paris 8).
Communication : Contesting the energy transition: symbolic and political influences of the energy intensive industries in the elaboration of the Swedish electronuclear policy.

Géraldine MOLINA
Doctor in Geography, Spatial planning – Urban planning, my researches deal with the professional and institutional reorganisations in the architectural and urban planning’s fields that the energy and climatic challenges involve. I also invested as object of research the townspeople vulnerability climate vulnerability and the strategies they develop to adapt to his fluctuations and to control their energy consumptions.
Publications :
Richard E., Molina G., (2014), « Le plan climat de la communauté urbaine de Toulouse Métropole : une démarche territoriale « ordinaire » d’adaptation aux changements climatiques », Sud-Ouest Européen, à paraître.
Molina G., Musy M., (2014), Les professionnels du bâtiment face au défi énergétique : freins et leviers à l’évolution des compétences, rapport de synthèse, Plateforme TIPEE, lauréat de l’AMI de l’ADEME « bâtiments et îlots à énergie positive et bilan carbone minima », diffusion restreinte aux partenaires du consortium TIPEE et à l’ADEME, 32 p.
Molina G., Musy M., (2013), “L’apport des sciences sociales sur la question énergétique (état de l’art) : pour une approche socio-technique de la performance énergétique”, juillet 2013, parties 1 à 5 du rapport de recherche, Plateforme TIPEE, lauréat de l’AMI de l’ADEME Bâtiments et îlots à énergie positive et bilan carbone minima, diffusion restreinte aux partenaires du consortium TIPEE et à l’ADEME, 78 p.
Communication : Construction professionals facing the energy efficiency challenge : Knowledges, competences and practices’ recombining at stake.

Stéphane MONFILS
Stephane MONFILS is his assistant and PhD student (“The place of human factor in energy performance assessment and renovation strategies of urban houses in Wallonia”). Recent publication is a paper (“The Energy Performance Certification: A tool for smarter cities?”) presented to the System Simulation in Buildings 2014 conference, in Liege.
Communication : Survey and definition of household behavioural profiles of energy use in Walloon urban houses.

Aurélie MONTIGNY is a geographer. She leads works in the areas of mobility and territorial topics. She leads missions advice on these domains. Etude-Diagnostic sur l’offre de mobilité pour les publics en insertion, – Conseil Général du Maine et Loire, 2014, avec Appel d’Ere.
Communication : COMMOCLES : the role of mobility management in business and employee location choice.

Marine Morain is architect and energetic engineer. She co-fund, ten years ago, Arbor&sens agency to match architecture with environmental design. Based on this work and prospective approach of the agency, they publish scientific paper in an engineer conference and a booklet headed to architects, design offices, inhabitants…
Publications :
Marine Morain, Lauréna Cazeaux, L’architecture Soft-tech, la recherche d’une technique non traumatisante, Leroy-Merlin Source. M2014.
Lauréna Cazeaux, Marine Morain, Considering real hypothesis in Dynamic Thermal Simulations of summer comfort in low energy social housing, IBPSA, 2013.
Communication : user’s feedback on low consumption housing.

Ludovic MORAND
Ludovic Morand is PhD candidate in urban sociology. His dissertation focuses on “sustainable neighbourhood” projects through a comparison between France and England, as well as “vanguard communities” at the forefront of sustainability and urban regeneration programs led into deprived areas. His thesis received a grant from ADEME and PUCA.
Publications : « Habiter un quartier durable. Parcours résidentiels et modes de vie à Greenwich et Confluence », rapport intermédiaire de recherche n°2, décembre 2011.
« Enquêter sur les « quartiers durables » : Articuler une sociologie des usages à une analyse socio-historique de la production de l’urbain ». Communication aux rencontres doctorales du RT9 de l’Association Française de Sociologie : « Le hors-champ des recherches doctorales sur l’urbain et les territoires : théories, méthodes et postures de recherche », novembre 2013 (à paraître).
Communication : Living in energy-efficient buildings: what must residents get used to? Cases study in Lyon-Confluence and Greenwich Millennium Village.

Clément MORLAT
Clément Morlat was born in 1981. After professional experience at the French Ministry for Ecology, Vivendi and Fondaterra, he returned to university in 2011 to teach and prepare a PhD on the economics of energy transition.
Communication : Dynamic Modelling of Cost Systems (DMCS): social economy, non-material performance contracting, and heterodox accounting, applied to energy transition.

Dr Isabelle Garabuau-Moussaoui (PhD in social Anthropology at the Sorbonne) has been working as a social sciences researcher at EDF R&D since 2003. She is specialised in the socio-anthropology of consumption, daily habits and energy-related practices of households and of employees in companies. She was involved in the UK CISE Project (Community Innovation for Sustainable Energy), funded by ECLEER and the EPSRC (2011-2013). And she collaborates to the DEMAND centre (University of Lancaster). She is Trainer for adult classes in different Schools and Universities.
Her publications can be found on:

Garabuau-Moussaoui I., 2011, « Energy-related logics of action throughout the ages in France: historical milestones, stages of life and intergenerational transmissions », Energy Efficiency, april, vol. 4, n°4, p. 493-509.
Garabuau-Moussaoui I, (à paraître 2015), « Les occupants de bâtiments performants en énergie en sont-ils les usagers ? », in Cihuelo J., Grandclément C., Jobert A., (dir), 2015, Energie et transformations sociales. Enquêtes sur les interfaces énergétiques, Paris, Editions EDF R&D / Lavoisier.
Communication : The energy transition through the prism of “logics of action”: diversity and dynamics of appropriation.

Cristian MURESAN
Cristian MURESAN is expert on the modelling of buildings and energy systems.
Communication : Energy consumption in France’s housing stock until 2050 for four prospective scenarios.

Marjorie MUSY
Doctor of Civil Engineering – Buildings Physics. My present research work deals with the link between the building and the district scale. It includes the modeling of physical phenomenon that occur between the urban microclimate and the thermal behavior of buildings as well as larger questions like the assessment of urban projects or the role of vegetation in sustainable urban development.
Publications :
Molina G., Musy M., (2014), Les professionnels du bâtiment face au défi énergétique : freins et leviers à l’évolution des compétences, rapport de synthèse, Plateforme TIPEE, lauréat de l’AMI de l’ADEME « bâtiments et îlots à énergie positive et bilan carbone minima », diffusion restreinte aux partenaires du consortium TIPEE et à l’ADEME, 32 p.
Molina G., Musy M., (2013), L’apport des sciences sociales sur la question énergétique (état de l’art) : pour une approche socio-technique de la performance énergétique, juillet 2013, parties 1 à 5 du rapport de recherche, Plateforme TIPEE, lauréat de l’AMI de l’ADEME « bâtiments et îlots à énergie positive et bilan carbone minima », diffusion restreinte aux partenaires du consortium TIPEE et à l’ADEME, 78 p.
Allard, F., Bozonnet, E., Chazelas, M., Guarracino, G., Musy, M., (2008), “Du bâtiment à la ville, du microclimat à la demande énergétique” in: FOL, J. (Ed.), Futur de L’habitat. PUCA and Jean Michel Place, Paris, p. 139–154.
Communication : Construction professionals facing the energy efficiency challenge: Knowledges, competences and practices’ recombining at stake.

Alain Nadaï is socio-economist and research director at CIRED (CNRS), the International Research Center on Environment and Development. His research activity has been centred on environmental controversies, environmental and landscape policies, and the processes of energy transition. He is currently coordinating several research projects in the field of renewable energy (onshore and offshore wind power, solar PV), low carbon technologies policies and development (Carbon Capture and Storage, smart grids) as well as sustainable energy communities. He has contributed as a leading author to the recent IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN).
Communication : Smart grids demonstration and the responsive electricity consumer.

Matthias NAUMANN
Matthias Naumann, PhD, is a human geographer and research fellow at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning in Erkner (Germany). He also works as a visiting lecturer at Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus. His recent publications include:
BEVERIDGE, Ross; NAUMANN, Matthias (2014): Global norms, local contestation: privatisation and de/politicisation in Berlin. In: Policy & Politics 42 (2), pp. 275-291.
MOSS, Timothy; BECKER, Sören; NAUMANN, Matthias (2014): Whose Energy Transition is it, anyway? Organisation and Ownership of the Energiewende in Villages, Cities and Regions. In: Local Environment, online first.
Communication : Rural Energy Transitions and Conflicts in Brandenburg (Germany).

Sophie NEMOZ
Sophie Némoz has a Ph.D. in sociology. She is a lecturer and a researcher at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin where she was responsible for the action research « Smart Campus » and for the International Master in Management of Eco-innovation. Her researches deal with the socio-ecological transition of territories through habitat and mobilities.
Publications :
Némoz S., 2014, « Smart Campus : recent advances and future challenges for action research on territorial sustainability » in Leal W. (ed), Implementing Campus Greening Initiatives : Approches, Methods and Perspectives, Peter Lang Scientific Publishers.
Némoz S., 2013, « Face au rebond de la demande de transport automobile, une approche multi-niveaux des effets de l’éco-fiscalité en Belgique et des ressort de consommation, Développement durable et territoires, Vol.4, n°3 [en ligne].
Communication : The university campuses: territories in energy transition?
A local case study put in international perspective.

Sergiu NOVAC
Sergiu Novac is a PhD Candidate in the Sociology Department of Central European University, Budapest. His research deals with the unmaking of the East German nuclear landscape and the development of a ‘nuclear decommissioning regime’ that grew out of it. His main research field site is the former nuclear power plant of Greifswald, where he is at present conducting field research. Previously, he received a Masters Degree from Central European University in Sociology with a focus on urban studies and has completed an undergraduate in philosophy at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Publications :
Urban Centrality and Romanian Socialism in its “Second Phase” (approved for publication in the “Post-War Architecture in Europe” volume, part of the Graue Reihe series of the TU Berlin printing press; forthcoming in spring 2015).
“Post-Secular“ Bucharest ? The Politics of Space in the Case of the “Cathedral of National Redemption”, Jahrbuch StadtRegion 2011/2012, Verlag Barbara Budrich, Oplanden 2012.
Ethnicity and cultural tourism in the village of Baspunar“ (Co-Autor), in “Dobrogea, identitati si crize”, Paideia Publishing House, Bucharest 2009.
Communication : The Transfer of Expert Knowledge from Nuclear Production to Nuclear Decommissioning in Eastern Germany.

COPRO+ is a consulting firm dedicated to condominiums created in Lyon in 2009 by Cécile BARNASSON and Pierre OLIVIER. Its missions and expertise are to:
- Assist condominiums, either directly or through missions assigned by local public authorities
- Conduct researches to improve condominiums management.
Holding the title of “JEI” (innovative start-up), COPRO+ leads, in addition to its own ones, national research programs (PUCA PREBAT, Anah).
Its experts lead weekly co-owners council meetings and general assembly as trusted third parties, to pilot the implementation of renovation programs.
Cécile BARNASSON (“DEA” in socio-economic management of enterprises & organizations) and Pierre OLIVIER (Information system architect) published in 2011 the book “Save the Condominiums – What we have to change.”
They have produced many inputs during the condominium chapters’ preparation of the ALUR law.
Communication : The co-owners facing the challenge of the energy transition.