Professor Gordon Walker is Co-Director of the DEMAND Centre at Lancaster University with expertise on the dynamics of energy demand, social and spatial dimensions of sustainable energy technologies, sustainability transitions, sustainable social practices and issues of energy and environmental justice. He has led a series of multi-partner projects funded by research councils and government departments. Recent publications include Shove, E. and Walker, G. (2014) What is energy for?: energy demand and social practice Theory,Culture and Society, 31(5), 41-58; Walker, G (2014) Dynamics of Energy Demand: Change, Rhythm and Synchronicity, Energy Research and the Social Sciences, 1, 49-55; Walker G (2012) Environmental Justice: concepts, evidence and politics, Routledge, Abingdon.
Communication : Distribution de la demande: ce qui est nécessaire, ce qui est normal et le sous-utilisé.

Since 2004, Grégoire Wallenborn has conducted interdisciplinary studies about domestic energy consumption, including aspects of social inequalities, rebound effects, ecodesign and user-centred design. He is currently working on the place of users in the development of smart grids.
Publications :
G. Gaye & G. Wallenborn, « Multidisciplnary Smart Grid Research and the Design of Users », Joint Workshop Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on ICT for
, 2014, p. 29-31.
G. Wallenborn & H. Wilhite, « Rethinking Embodied Knowledge and Household Consumption », Energy Research and Social Sciences 1 (2014), p. 56-64.
Communication 1 : The role of sociology within an interdisciplinary smart grid project.
Communication 2 : Smart grid research and the design of their users.

Pascal YERRO
Pascal Yerro has a PhD in Energetics. As an Energy engineer, he based the research firm AlterEne within the cooperative Alter-Bâtir. AlterEne chose to highlight and to develop the socio-energy approach in missions of studies on the scale of the building or the district.
Communication : Socio-energy approach within the technical diagnosis and diagnosis of use of buildings.

Rémi Zanni is a PhD candidate in political philosophy at LCSP (Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7).
Communication : Does energy transition emancipate?

Bouchra ZEROUAL is a program officer in charge of SLIME national program within the CLER since 2013. She worked previously for local non for profit organizations involved in energy transition, on raising awarness and changing use of energy, with the general public.
Communication : SLIME, local program to identify households living in fuel poverty.